CURRENT RANK: 5th Degree in Zen Do Kai, 4th Degree instructor in BJC Muay Thai and a Blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
WHICH STYLES DO YOU DO? Zen Do Kai, Muay Thai and BJJ.
ACHIEVEMENTS: (FIGHTS/COMPETITIONS ETC) Entered in a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu completion once. Worth giving it a go for the challenge and experience, but it’s not for everyone. Early February 2010, I entered a ring fight for Mauy Thai. One broken nose later and a black eye forming I won the fight. The fight took alot of dedication, hard training and sweat to get there.
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE FROM THESE STYLES/MARTIAL ARTS? To combine the stand up techniques of Muay Thai with the ground work of BJJ, to become a more complete and well rounded martial artist.
INTERESTS? Fighting, UFC, Sports, playstation 3, movies.
HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF? Hardest question to answer yourself, easier solution is that once you get to know me, then you’ll know.
ROLE MODELS, WHO ARE YOUR INSPIRATIONS? I am inspired by all the martial artists who I have had the privilege to train with and learn from including seminars with Soke Bob Jones and Kyoshi Billy Manne and many others who I train on a regular basis.
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TRAINING FOR? IN EACH STYLE? My Journey began in 2000 under Renshi Kyl in Zen Do Kai. After training in Zen Do Kai for a year I began training in Muay Thai under the instructions of Kru Kyl. After 6 years of training in Muay Thai, I began running my own classes and I continue to love the style as much as I did when I first began in my first year. Which I then focused on training in Brazlian Jiu Jitsu to combine the stand up techniques of Muay Thai with the ground work of BJJ. Giving me a fresh look at the world of martial arts as I was constantly learning new techniques and a new approach to self defense.
WHAT DO YOU GAIN FROM TRAINING WITH CHIKARA MARTIAL ARTS? You gain a stronger understanding of the ideas and principles that are taught in Zen Do Kai, l which I realized is not just martial arts taught in a dojo but a way to approach life and the many obstacles it presents.
HOW DID YOU GET INTO TRAINING MARTIAL ARTS? It was originally just a good way to stay fit in between soccer seasons. However after achieving my first belt I realized it was more of a way of life for me.
BEST ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU? AND BY WHOM? There are so many people who have inspired me and continue to push me to strive for a higher level of training and where I have resulted in a more comprehensive look on life. I would recommend to be inspired by all of their journeys and continue to look for it everywhere.
ANY ADVICE TO NEW STUDENTS OR ANYONE INTERESTED IN JOINING? The people you meet along your journey will inspire you and set a high standard that is worth striving for everyday just as they all did for me.